Susan Saldanha
Susan joined SPHERE in 2022 as a PhD student within the Department of General Practice, Monash University. Her research aims to understand reproductive coercion and abuse among individuals accessing sexual and reproductive health services in Australian primary care settings. Susan completed her undergraduate studies in Health Sciences (Public Health) and Commerce (Management) in 2020. She then graduated from the University of Melbourne with a Bachelor of Biomedicine (Degree with Honours) in 2021. For her Honours thesis, she conducted a qualitative study exploring the experiences of Victorian key stakeholders on the provision of medical abortion via telehealth. She has also previously worked as a facilitator for the Enhanced Assess Act Acknowledge (EAAA) program, a 12-hour sexual assault resistance education program for university-aged women at La Trobe University. Susan has career ambitions in shaping global health policy and empowering others to take control of their individual sexual and reproductive health.
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