Dr Maryam Moradi

Dr Maryam Moradi is an academic midwife and researcher who completed her PhD at the Australian National University Medical School in 2015. Maryam’s PhD dissertation entitled “Exploring women’s experiences of living with endometriosis and its impact; development and psychometric properties of a questionnaire to measure the impact of endometriosis on women’s lives”. In addition, Maryam obtained a certificate of the “From Research to Practice, Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health Research” in 2013 from the World Health Organization, Geneva.

Since completing her PhD, Maryam has been Assistant Professor of Reproductive Health at the Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and Midwifery at the Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. This role involved teaching, clinical and research outputs in the field of midwifery, primary care, public health, and women’s sexual and reproductive health. She has been supervising several Masters and PhD students and she has written and/or translated more than 10 books and/or book chapters in her field.

In 2023, Maryam joined Monash as a Senior Research Fellow within SPHERE, an NHMRC funded Centre of Research Excellence for women’s sexual and reproductive care in primary care. Her research involves the development, implementation and evaluation of an Endometriosis Management Plan to support navigation and management of endometriosis and pelvic pain through primary care settings as their main point of care for providers and their patients.