Noeline Bedford
Noeline is a Practice Nurse at Medical Professionals Dapto NSW, and also works casually at Sexual Health Services Illawarra and Shoalhaven Local health District. Before returning to General Practice she was a Clinical Nurse Specialist for 10 years working in Sexual health for Targeted Clinical Services with a focus on sexual, women’s and youth health. She has a strong social justice focus recognising everyone has the right to access safe and inclusive care utilising best practice principles. Noeline was able to advocate for equity in care through working in Sexual health, Alcohol and other Drugs in South West Sydney and now again in General Practice. While working in sexual health she was involved in commencing a service for the Transgender community of Illawarra Shoalhaven, provided education to numerous services including GP’s relating to sexual health, women’s health including contraceptive options and youth with a focus on consent and sexual identity. Noeline’s proudest accomplishment was as a PFLAG Rep. for South Coast representing the LGBTQIA community in the Same Sex marriage debate and winning!
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